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1992 Telco Motion-ettes Universal Studios Monsters Frankenstein - Moving Animatronic
1992 Telco Motion-ettes Universal Studios Monsters Dracula - Moving Animatronic
Frankenstein Telco Motion-ette Animated Monster
Universal Monsters Vintage Telco Motionettes
Telco Motionette FRANKENSTEIN Universal Studios Monsters HALLOWEEN Motion-Ettes
Telco Motionettes of Halloween Frankenstein
Vintage Frankenstein Monster 1992 Telco MOTION-ettes HALLOWEEN Animated 17".
Frankenstein Motionette
Telco Universal Monsters Motionettes Dracula,Wolfman,Creature
Telco Frankenstein motionette figure
Universal Monsters Creature From the Black Lagoon Motionette 1992 Telco 17" Tall
Frankenstein Telco